Tuesday, April 27, 2010

अपना झारखण्ड ( Apna Jharkhand )

झारखण्ड एक पिछड़ा राज्य है और इसके पिछड़ने का एकमात्र कारण राजनितिक शिकार होना है। झारखण्ड चाहे तो पुरे देश को अँधेरे में डुबो सकता है। झारखण्ड से कोयला जिस मात्रा में बाहर के राज्यों में जाता है वो विश्वाश के परे है। ट्रेन भर भर के कोयला जाता है और सिर्फ खली डब्बे वापस आते हैं।
पंजाब की मिटटी खेती लायक नहीं थी मगर वो आज सबसे ज्यादा अन्न उपजाने वाला राज्य है। महाराष्ट्र में उद्योग के लिए उपयुक्त माहौल नहीं है मगर वो औद्योगिक दृष्टि से एक विकसीत राज्य है। हमारे झारखण्ड में दोनों ही क्षेत्र में विकास की क्षमता होते हुए भी विकास दर नगण्य है।
What I wanted to convey thru my blog is, Jharkhand and Jharkhandis have got the potential but its not being utilized at the utmost level. People of Jharkhand go out in serch of jobs and security, there they are being treated as animals. If we come together with a solid plan, then we can easily change the conception of outsiders about Jharkhand.
Let's work together and help every person from Bihar/Jharkhand (atleast) we meet in future. I know a good human being should help every human near him. But i pledge you to please provide some extra care and support to the people of the state where our parets reside and the state where we have spent most of the beautiful moments of our life.
Please throw your valuable suggestions.
We can and we will make a difference.
अपने सुझाव मेरे ब्लॉग पे पोस्ट करते रहिये।


pamela said...
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pamela said...

That is so true. If it weren't for the damn politics this state would have been at the peak of its success. I have met several people in my lifetime, in India and outside, that are ashamed to acknowledge that they are from Bihar. I hope that keeps changing.

Anonymous said...

it is real thing but who we can solve in this problem?

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